by eric.verhulst | Mar 8, 2018 | EVENTS, KURT
De City-KURT is een nieuwe type van persoonlijk elektrisch vervoermiddel. Het is veel meer dan een e-bike maar het is ook geen micro-auto. Zonder over een rijbewijs te beschikken kan u op voet- en fietspaden rijden zolang u de gangbare snelheidslimieten in acht neemt....
by eric.verhulst | Mar 8, 2018 | EVENTS, KURT
The City-KURT CK1 is a novel type of personal electric vehicle, a perfect blend between a e-bike and a micro-car. You can drive it without a license on pavements and bicycle paths respecting the speed control limits. You can bring along up to 50 kg in the large trunk...
by eric.verhulst | Feb 25, 2018 | EVENTS
Het KURT concept werd voorgesteld met een demonstratie van de KURT-H1 op het lanceringsevent van Smart Hub Vlaams-Brabant op 8 maart 2018 te Leuven. Altreonic verwierf in 2017 steun van de Provincie Vlaams Brabant voor de realisatie van een demonstratie project dat...
by eric.verhulst | Feb 9, 2018 | EVENTS, KURT, Videoclips Altreonic has delivered a KURT-H1 e-vehicle to the University Hospital of Leuven (Campus Gasthuisberg), the largest hospital in Belgium with more than 9000 employees, over 2000...
by eric.verhulst | Jan 15, 2018 | CONCEPTS, EVENTS, KURT
In this short paper, we explain how e-mobility and the drive towards autonomous driving and MaaS is being disruptive for the traditional automotive vehicle makers. We show how’s KURT’s Software Driven approach meets the challenges. VirtuosoNext for...
by eric.verhulst | Jan 12, 2018 | Shows
Altreonic presenteerde op Slimme stedelijke logistiek – Bedrijven reiken steden de hand event: Meer info: De presentatie vindt u hier: Altreonic_Slimme stedelijke...
by eric.verhulst | Oct 10, 2017 | EVENTS
Today, the entire automotive world is working hard to enable automated driving, building on innovations in electronics. What that really means, Maurice Geraets, Board Member NXP Netherlands, explains you during his keynote presentation at SSIS 2017 on October 17. For...
by eric.verhulst | Sep 3, 2017 | CONCEPTS, EVENTS, KURT
How do companies tackle technological challenges? During this Seminar Day, engineers, researchers and R&D managers from the manufacturing industry will come together to learn more about the results of some of our recent projects. More specifically, Altreonic will...
by eric.verhulst | Sep 3, 2017 | CONCEPTS, EVENTS, KURT
Boosting the Electric Vehicle Market in Europe: Plugging the Sustainability Gap (click for details) Date: Tuesday 19th September 2017 Time: 10:00am — 4:30pm Venue: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
by eric.verhulst | Jun 20, 2017 | KURT
The City-KURT e-vehicle is based on a lightweight modular and scalable platform. Kickstart your own vehicle by just buying an easy to assemble propulsion platform and design your own “superstructure”. A minimal platform will have 1 main box and 2...