Speaking at VDA Automotive SYS Conference

Eric Verhulst, CEO/CTO of Altreonic Kurt.mobi is invited speaker at: Quality, safety and security for automotive software-based systems In June 2019 the ninth VDA Automotive SYS Conference hosted by the Association of the German Automotive Industry will take place in...

KURT.mobi spreker op GentLevert event

Datum: dinsdag 29 mei 2018 14u00 (ontvangst: 13u30) Plaats: New Zebra , zaal Ned Kahn, Gustaaf Callierlaan 232, 9000 Gent Moderator: Michaël Geeraert – districoach GentLevert Smart urban electro-mobility: meer mobiliteit met minder voertuigen voor een leefbare en...