Altreonic unveils the KURT e-vehicle platform

A modular and cost-efficient enabler for Urban Mobility Since 3 years Altreonic NV is pursuing the development and market deployment of its light-weight KURT™ electric vehicle system (L6 category). Its disruptive and uniquely modular architecture (patent pending) was...

KURT is a breakthrough for Light E-Vehicles

Peter Harrop, Chairman of IDTechEx market research company : “Years ago I pointed out that the 100 or so manufacturers of car- like specialist electric vehicles should not design every one from scratch but have a common platform. They make no attempt to standardise....

Videoclip with KURT

Altreonic has released a first video clip showing off the capabilities of the KURT first laboratory prototype using pre-production components. More videos will follow after we have finished assembling first vehicles (in...

Remote monitoring and fleet management for KURT

Developing the KURT vehicle has resulted also into a number of significant enhancements to Altreonic’s supporting tools. The KURT controller software runs on the VirtuosoNext RTOS. To enhance safety and security, all Tasks and memory regions are protected from...