City-KURT CK1 in exclusieve voorverkoop

De City-KURT is een nieuwe type van persoonlijk elektrisch vervoermiddel. Het is veel meer dan een e-bike maar het is ook geen micro-auto. Zonder over een rijbewijs te beschikken kan u op voet- en fietspaden rijden zolang u de gangbare snelheidslimieten in acht neemt....

Exclusive pre-sales of City-KURT CK1

The City-KURT CK1 is a novel type of personal electric vehicle, a perfect blend between a e-bike and a micro-car. You can drive it without a license on pavements and bicycle paths respecting the speed control limits. You can bring along up to 50 kg in the large trunk...

VirtuosoNext RTOS for e-mobility

In this short paper, we explain how e-mobility and the drive towards autonomous driving and MaaS is being disruptive for the traditional automotive vehicle makers. We show how’s KURT’s Software Driven approach meets the challenges. VirtuosoNext for...

What does it take to make automated driving come true?

Today, the entire automotive world is working hard to enable automated driving, building on innovations in electronics. What that really means, Maurice Geraets, Board Member NXP Netherlands, explains you during his keynote presentation at SSIS 2017 on October 17. For...